About us

Welcome to the website of the Unit of Pancreatic Surgery at the Verona University Hospital.

We hope you will find this website useful to gain more information about the pancreas, pancreatic diseases, pancreatic surgery, our physician faculty, residency program, and our research efforts.

The Unit of Pancreatic Surgery is part of the Pancreas Institute at the ‘G.B. Rossi’ Verona University Hospital. The Verona Pancreas Institute is the first italian multidisciplinary institution collecting the experience of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists, Radiologists, Oncologists and Pathologists who committed their career to pancreatology.

Our Unit comprises 8 primary faculty, and 2 Fellow/Ph.D candidate. The service admits some 1000 patients affected with pancreatic neoplasms per year, and more than 400 major pancreatic resections are performed. The number of outpatients consultations is about 1100. The activity of the Day-Case Unit accounts for about 500 admissions annually (Fine-needle biopsies, endoscopic ultrasound). The extra-regional attraction index exceeds 70%.

From the clinical standpoint, our service is the largest and most qualified pancreatic program in the country, and fully equipped to treat each and every pancreatic disorder. The Unit of Pancreatic Surgery is at the forefront of advances in state-of-the-art minimally invasive surgical approaches to pancreatic disorders, with a growing emphasis on robotic-assisted procedures. With every condition we treat, we emphasize compassion and comfort in the provision of our care, customizing our treatments to meet the unique needs of each individual patient.

The didactic component of the Unit of Pancreatic Surgery is not secondary. The cornerstone of our program is the shared vision and relationship between our dedicated faculty, residents, and staff. While providing excellent and comprehensive clinical care is a key objective for our Unit, another main goal is that of education and the advancement of our specialty. Our education mission centers on the residency program, and the priority of our residency program is to train outstanding clinicians and surgeons who have an in depth exposure and expertise in pancreatic surgery. 

From the research standpoint, our Surgical Unit and the Pancreas Istitute are currently among of the top grant funded Institutions nationally, and we provide expertise and mentoring in basic, translational, and clinical research. Scientific research is performed in a multidisciplinary environment, making the total number of participating doctors and researchers about 100.

The Verona Pancreas Team gathers leaders in their respective fields, and the atmosphere of such a large team of physicians interested in the pancreas makes the Pancreas Institute not only the national referral centre for pancreatic pathologies, but also an internationally renowned centre attracting patients and physicians from around the world. As we continue to meet the challenges of the future, we look forward to continued excellence in patient care, research and education over the coming years.

If you have any questions that haven’t been answered by this website please feel free to contact us.


Professor Claudio Bassi, MD FRCS FACS
