General information

The Pancreas Day Case Clinic is designed to evaluate patients with known or suspected pancreatic surgical diseases. The Clinic has a maximum allotment of 6 beds, and operates Monday to Friday, 7:00-17:00. Outpatients facilities are available for medical consultations. The Day Case Clinic is committed to a thorough evaluation of a patients for the diagnosis of pancreatic solid neoplasms, pancreatic cysts, or uncertain conditions, in cooperation with the Pancreas Institute multidisciplinary team (Gastroenterologists, Radiologists, Oncologists, Pathologists). Patients who underwent invasive examinations (endoscopic ultrasound with biopsy, percutaneous ultrasound-guided or CT-guided biopsy, PTBD placement) are admitted in the morning and discharged in the afternoon. 

Furthermore, the Pre-operative Assessment Clinic operates for blood tests, functional tests and specialistic consultations one patient may need before a pancreatic operation. 

Access to the Pancreatic Day Case Clinic follows a consultation with one of our attending surgeons. Most patients are referred to the Verona Pancreas Institute from community hospitals of other academic centers with at least one imaging test. These patients often need to be re-imaged (with the same or another modality), or need additional examinations to clarify the diagnosis. Our surgeons will indicate the most appropriate diagnostic plan for any patient, and will refer the patient to the Day Case Clinic team. The team is composed of Surgical Residents who rotate on a 4-month basis. They will schedule your tests based on dedicated slots, and will discuss the results with the attending surgeon and the patient.  

Difficult or uncommon cases are presented at the weekly multidisciplinary meetings of the Pancreas Institute.